Android Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I add, update or delete medications?

  • If needed tap the button, then tap Medications.

  • To add a medication

    From the medications page, tap the button in the bottom right corner.

    On the next screen update the details as needed then tap the button.

  • To update a medication

    From the medications page, tap the entry you wish to edit.

    On the next screen update the details as needed then tap the button.

  • To delete medications

    From the medications page, tap the menu button in the upper right corner, then tap the "Delete" menu item.

    Next tap the items you want to delete

    Finally, tap the button in the top right corner.

2. How can I hide a medication but still keep it in the history?

  1. Edit the medication, scroll down to the Is Active section

  2. Then uncheck the checkbox

Note: doing this will remove that medication from any medication groups and that medication will not be visible on the "Daily View".

3. Can I be notified before I exceed the maximum daily dosage for a medication?

Yes, to setup the notification:
  1. Edit the medication, scroll down to the Max Doses Per Day section then enter that value, to disable the notification just clear that field

    Now on the "Daily View" page, a count of the doses taken for that day will be displayed next to the medication name and you will be notified before exceeding the daily maximum dosage.

4. How do I enable or disable the refill reminder alert?

To disable refill reminders:
  1. Edit the medication, scroll down to the Refill section

  2. Next change "Remind me when I have" to "Disabled"

To enable refill reminders:
  1. Edit the medication, scroll down to the Refill section

  2. Next set the refill date, the total quantity on that date and change "Remind me when I have" to the interval you would prefer. Your choices are from between 2 or less doses to 100 or less doses.

5. What is the daily view?

The daily view is divided into 2 sections, Medication Groups and Medications.
  1. The Medication Groups section lists all medications groups

  2. The Medications section lists all active medications that are scheduled for that day of the week.

To record taking a medication group
  1. Scroll down to the Medication Groups section, then tap that medication group.

  2. On the next screen update the details as needed then tap the button.

To record taking a medication:
  1. Scroll down to the Medications section, then tap that medication.

  2. On the next screen update the details as needed then tap the button.